Women's Ministry

Women in the areas where BEE World serves have even less access to clear Bible training than men, yet they lead other women and children in their churches. Recognizing the need for these individuals to contribute to spiritually strong, healthy congregations, BEE World facilitators offer training specifically for women.

Those who participate in the training, which takes three to four years, then share their training with other women. They take six courses and one elective, studying the following topics:

Through this life-changing, biblical training, women mature as Christ's disciples, grow in their family relationships, and become a godly influence in their communities.

“Before we were led by others, and now we can lead.”

—Nepalese Women’s Ministry participant

Studying the Character of God Makes a Difference

The Character of God is one of the first courses offered through BEE World's Women's ministry. After the first session of this class we were uncertain how many students would have the academic ability and perseverance to complete this course. We are thrilled that all the women who initially enrolled will continue with the rest of the curriculum.


“B”, from Mozambique says, “I thank God for the entire BEE (World) team and especially to the teachers who take their time and come all the way from the USA to teach us. I know this is a big sacrifice. I pray that we will have the same commitment that you show us Malawian sisters and that God will bless you. We started this course disliking BEE World and the course because we thought we were “Superstars” as far as the Bible was concerned. We were already teachers of the Bible. But after taking this first course, The Character of God, we are different, and we ask God to forgive us for our pride. We cheated a lot. We did not study the Bible as we are now being taught to study. May God continue to add blessings to BEE World.”  


“S”, from Blantyre.  “I am grateful to the staff at BEE World. I recognize that these ladies are called to come and teach because it’s not easy for them. The Character of God course has changed my life. I’ve been in ministry for 20 years, but my understanding of God has changed through this course and I am able to apply different attributes of God each day in different situations. It is not about shouting [out a message] to get attention, it is about a relationship with God.”